About Us
My name is Caryne Jean Michel, (Kah-reen), I am from the West Indies and I am fluent in French and Haitian Creole. Currently working as a license midwife (LM), and International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) in private practice in New York City.
I have worked in the healthcare field for a decade. Wearing different hats such as medical administrator, birth and postpartum doula, lactation counselor, birth assistant; in different settings: clinic, hospital, birth center, homebirth and homevisit. On-the-job exposure to health disparities and inequalities drove me to raise awareness and offered my services to families. I am thankful to those families, healthcare professionals, my peers, colleague, my friends and families for their teaching and support.
You may ask why the name Birth Eve?
One of the definition of the word birth is: “a state resulting from being born especially at a particular time or place”. I emerged as a new individual during my journey to midwifery, my passion and career. In 2009, I won a kit for the Human Genome Project (HGP), which is the sequencing and mapping all of the human genes. My maternal line is believed to descend from the woman who first carried the sequence, a hypothetical woman called "mitochondrial Eve." It refers to mitochondrial DNA, the unique genetic code that is passed down from female to female. The most recent female historically from which all living animals of a species can trace their ancestry. Also Eve derived from the Hebrew meaning “ To Breathe” or “To Live”.
I personally believe the biggest events in our life birth a new individual and there is no better attitude to embrace this new journey by taking a breath, take another one and live in the now.
I surround myself with a team with similar life concept so I can provide the resources and tools for your wellness in the best of my ability.
Member of United States Lactation Consultant Association (USLCA), New York Lactation Consultant Association (NYLCA). Contractor for The Lactation Network (TLN)